These Fruit Gnome SVG Sets Make Summer Decorating Sweet!

If you’re ready for some summer farmhouse decor projects, these adorable fruit gnome SVG sets are exactly what you need to add a little pop and sizzle. Or sweet and sour. Heck, call it what you will, they’re adorable and fun!

Strawberry Gnomes on a Pillow
These adorable fruit gnome SVG sets are the perfect summer farmhouse decor cut files!

Fruit Gnome SVG Sets

Here at Ruffles and Rain Boots, we are so ready for summer. This last couple of weeks have been the longest year of my life and so many changes…well, I’m just ready for summer. Summer would be really nice right about now. So, to kind of hurry it along, I made these ridiculously cute fruit gnome SVG sets.


Each set is detailed and unique, but they’re similar enough that they go together in the most perfect way. Having a whole set of tea towels is totally in near future. If you want to make some fun fruit gnome summer farmhouse decor, let’s get started.

watermelon gnome svg set on a canvas bag

How Do I Download these Fruit Themed Gnome SVG Files?

I’m so glad you asked!

Just scroll down to get the link to our shop. While you’re in the store, be sure to browse all of the free and exclusive SVG files created by Ruffles and Rain Boots. We have everything from apples to zebras and everything in between–and if we don’t have it, it’ll be coming soon, so be sure to bookmark the shop, so you can come back to it!

All I ask is  that you share this page to Pinterest – maybe on a Cricut or Silhouette board. Your shares are how this site grows and I am sincerely grateful. 

Pineapple Gnomes on Wall Sign

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How to Use this Fruit Gnome Cut File Series for Cricut

  • This is a CRAZY cool series of fruit gnome SVG sets. Seriously fun, in my totally-unbiased opinion (just kidding, I am completely biased). So, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things we can do with these gnome cut files for Cricut and Silhouette. Some of my favorite ideas:
  • Some other crazy CRAZY ideas are to put these little guys on note cards or even a mailbox cover. I’m all about putting fruit gnomes on everything this summer.
lemon gnome svg set on a door mat with text which reads fruit gnomes cut files lemon watermelon strawberry pineapple

Get the Watermelon Gnome SVG Set Here

Click here to get the watermelon gnome SVG set for Cricut or Silhouette! 

If watermelon is your favorite summer fruit, take a close look at these adorable little watermelon gnomes. They have seeds. EEP!

And they’re just so dang cute with the dangly watermelon on one’s hat, the bite out of another and–do you see the tiny watermelon slices on the girl gnome’s hair ties?! Oh, I’m so proud of how cute and detailed this set of watermelon gnomes.

Watermelon Gnomes on a Towel

Get the Strawberry Gnome SVG SET Here

Click here to get the strawberry gnome SVG set for Cricut or Silhouette – it’s free until 3/28/2020!

I have a special place in my heart for these perfect and sweet little bundles of yum. One of the best dessert-fruits ever germinated, these fun summer fruit gnomes are kind of my favorite (but don’t tell the other fruit gnome sets).

Definitely grab these. So cute, it’s sweet.

Strawberry Gnomes on a Towel

Get the Pineapple Gnome SVG Set Here

Click here to get the pineapple gnome SVG set for Cricut or Silhouette!

If you have ever enjoyed a slice of sweet, tart pineapple on a warm summer day, you know just how perfect the balance is between yum and mmm can be. No, I have no idea what that really means, but it somehow perfectly describes this ridiculously fun set of gnomes in pineapple suits.

Also, that tiny pineapple? And then the one with the big pineapple crown for a hat?! OMG I want to just put these little guys on everything.

Pineapple Gnomes on Sign

Get the Lemon Gnome SVG Set Here

Click here to get the lemon gnome SVG set for Cricut or Silhouette!

Lemonade is nothing short of the perfect summer drink. And you don’t get lemonade without the mix of tart and cute. Well, I guess if you consider sugar to be cute. But whatever. I consider gnomes sweet (if mischievous) and lemon, well, it’s tart. So, these could also be called lemonade gnomes.

Best combo ever. Especially if you’re all about the lemon farmhouse decor for summer.

Lemon Gnomes on a Wall Sign

Get the Peach Gnome SVG Set Here

Click here to get the peach gnome SVG set for Cricut or Silhouette.

peach gnomes on a wood sign in a farmhouse tray

More Cricut And Silhouette… 

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Your shares are how this site grows and I am sincerely grateful. Know a friend who’d like this? Please share it on Facebook or save it to your favorite DIY ideas board on Pinterest.

watermelon gnome svg set on a round wall sign with text which reads cut files fruit gnomes watermelon pineapple lemon strawberry

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  1. Dear Sarah,
    I just LOVE your Gnome Fruit Svgs that you made and I was just wondering if there is anyway possible that I could get you to make me one with Peaches instead of the others you made … My daughter has PCOS ( POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME ) and the Drs told her that she wouldn’t be able to have any children and her & her husband have been trying to get pregnant since way before they got married and she is finally pregnant and she’s having a little girl due June 1, 2020 and she is doing the baby’s bedroom in Peaches and I would LOVE to be able to make her some PEACH items for her bedroom and if at all possible could you do me a SVG using my granddaughters name with Peaches please ma’am … My granddaughter is going to be named :
    EzraLee Marie Lawson … I would greatly appreciate all of your help with this please ma’am … TIA
    THANK YOU , Irene Bradley

  2. I have tried and tried to get the “FREE” set of watermelon gnomes but I can’t find a coupon code or anything and they are not “free” in your shop. Have I missed something? Please help! THANK YOU! They are so stinkin’ cute I can hardly contain myself! :)