Rainbow Cereal Paper Plate Craft for Spring
This rainbow cereal paper plate craft is perfect for spring or a rainy day. Bring a little color (and flavor) into your day with this tasty kid’s craft.
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Rainbow Cereal Paper Plate Craft
Here at Ruffles and Rain Boots, I love to share quick, fun crafts for all ages. This rainbow paper plate craft is made from fruity cereal and marshmallows, so it’s taste-safe, as well. Our little spring craft is pretty self-explanatory, so we’ll jump to the fun stuff!
RELATED READING: Rainbow Necklace – Cereal + Marshmallows = a Tasty Time for All
No Time to Make This Now?
Whether you’re saving this for a rainy day or going to make it later, consider saving this to Pinterest.
Rainbow Facts for Kids
Spring is the perfect time to talk about rainbows with the kids. Here are a few fun rainbow facts for kids. Call them over and talk about these fun rainbow facts.
How Did a Rainbow Get Its Name?
The rainbow is named for its shape and when it was seen. The colorful creation appeared when it was raining and the arc of the rainbow looks like a bow (for shooting arrows).
Why Is a Rainbow Colorful?
My daughter will tell perfect strangers why a rainbow is colorful. If she were typing this, she’sd say, “A ray of sunshine is not white, it’s all the colors. So a rainbow is made when sunlight is split by a raindrop, allowing us to see all the colors that make up the sunshine. And a rainbow is millions of little raindrops sharing their colors.”
Is a Rainbow an Arc or a Circle? Where is the End of the Rainbow?
This one will really impress the kids, friends. The rainbow is actually a full circle, not the arc we see. Why do we only see an arc? Because we are viewing it from the ground
Because the rainbow is a full circle, there is no end!
What are the Colors of a Rainbow?
The answer is ROY G. BIV – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. A fun activity is to find all the crayons named and write each letter with the corresponding color.
Let’s Make a Rainbow Cereal Paper Plate
While you’re talking about those rainbow fun facts above, let’s get started on our rainbow craft. If you’re putting together a rainbow crafts tutorial on YouTube, here is our rainbow cereal paper plate video tutorial.
Rainbow Cereal Paper Plate
This adorable rainbow craft for kids is fun, easy, and tasty! Talk about some fun rainbow facts while the little ones make colorful art.
- paper plate
- fruit cereal (we used Fruit Loops)
- mini marshmallows
- glue
- scissors
- blue crayon (optional)
- Cut a paper plate in half. If the kids are older and have scissor skills, let them do this on their own.
- Ask the kids to sort the cereal into color piles and add a pile of about 20 mini marshmallows to each kid's sort.
- If using, color the bottom center of the halved paper plate with the blue crayon.
- Leaving a small space on each side of the plate for the mini marshmallow clouds, let the kids make rows of single colors following the arc of the plate.
- Glue on the mini marshmallow clouds along the outer edges and your rainbow cereal paper plate craft is done!
For more fun and colorful crafts, visit Ruffles and Rain Boots .com
More Colorful Fun
If you’re looking for more colorful fun, check out these crafts and treats here on Ruffles and Rain Boots:
- Rainbow Cereal Necklace – The kids will love this!
- Pot of Gold Cupcakes – They look much harder than they are and they’ll bring a lot of smiles.
- Paint the Rainbow – Grab a rock and some paints to easily make a blended rainbow.
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