Free Narwhal SVG and Shaped Card Cut Files

This fun narwhal SVG is ready for any craft or as a print and cut card with Cricut or by hand. It’s an adorable, fun, shaped unicorn of the sea that will have anyone smiling! 

Free Narwhal SVG and narwhal card on white marble

Narwhal SVG and Card

In the Ruffles and Rain Boots house, two of the three of us are currently obsessed with narwhals. I created this fun narwhal SVG after we watched a show on them. The adorable shaped narwhal card came after the little one had missed school for a few snow days.

Recently, we made these narwhal painted rocks (so much fun!) and I’m sure there will be more unicorn of the sea fun coming soon. But let’s get started with this fun narwhal cut file.

No Time to Make This Cute Narwhal? Pin for Later! 

narwhal svg made into narwhal card with text which reads free print and cut narwhal card

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How to Make a Narwhal Card with Cricut Design Space

Whether you’re making a narwhal birthday card or any other, you can have this ready to do in just minutes! Here’s how you make this fun narwhal card SVG using Cricut Design Space. I’ve included the narwhal SVG file as an ungrouped item so that you can use it for designs or as intended, a shaped card. 

  1. load svg 
  2. add text, if desired
  3. flatten for print and cut
  4. add bleed (this is on the page before printing)
  5. print on white cardstock 
  6. load printed paper onto light grip (light blue) mat
  7. load into your machine and select cut (light cardstock)
  8. fold on the tab, lining it up

narwhal cut files for crafts

Can I Make This Without a Cutting Machine? 

Yes, you can make our little narwhal card without a Cricut or Silhouette! If you’d like, you could insert the PNG file into a Word or Pages document, add a sentiment on the tummy with a text box, and then print it. 

Next, cut it out with sharp scissors, taking care around the narwhal horn and the join between the two parts. Fold along the join, lining up the front and back of the card and you’re done!

free narwhal svg and cut files on white background

How to Download the Free Narwhal SVG and Cut Files

In order to access the file, you’ll need to on the Ruffles and Rain Boots mailing list. If you are already, just go here to the Exclusive Library and select, “SVG Files,” and then Animals > Narwhal SVG. 

If you aren’t yet signed up, click here to sign up to the weekly email from Ruffles and Rain Boots. You’ll receive an email which you MUST click on to confirm your subscription before the password is given (check the spam folder if you don’t see it after a few minutes). 

What do you get by signing up? Well, in addition to this fun narwhal card, you’ll also get access to more free cut files, hand lettering libraries, and so many more fun and free printables. 

Print and Cut Problems (Cricut)

With any print and cut, the primary problem is that the cut isn’t lining up with the print. If you’re new to print and cut, here’s how you can make sure your machine is calibrated.  

Additionally, make sure to line up the printed image with the register marks. I make sure it’s lined up with the top left corner and that the paper is as straight as I can get it. 

The final suggestion I can give when working with print then cut files is to make sure the bleed is on. It can slightly affect the design, however, it gives a bit of a buffer for the machine to make proper cuts.

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Free Narwhal SVG on white and rainbow background with text which reads free narwhal cards and cut files

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  1. Thank you for all the free files. I have been trying to rebuild my SVG library since my external hard drive crashed and is unrecoverable. I lost hundreds of SVG files and a whole lot of hard work. I am still very sad. So I really do appreciate getting some new files for free. Thank you again!!

    1. Oh, no, Nicole! I’ve had that happen and lost an entire summer of macaron recipes (I created a recipe a week the entire summer). :(

      Let me know if you need anything particular. I love designing!

  2. Hello,
    I love your stuff. Treasure those “sippy cup days,” they’ll be gone before you know it! A quick question. My Cricut is not cutting. I’ve changed the blades, the settings… The machine goes through the motions, but doesn’t cut. I’ve tried help through the official Cricut website, however, I work nights, so I sleep in the day and they’re closed I the weekends. Once I did get to talk to a real person, he didn’t seem to understand and his English was limited.
    Any thoughts?
    Thanks for your time and consideration. Hold on tight to the little ones, they grow up quickly!
    Enjoy the day.