Check out how easy and inexpensive it is to make an adorable Dollar Tree Gnome In less than 20 minutes, you will add a whimsical Scandinavian gnome to your decor.

Dollar Tree Gnome

Dollar Tree Gnome


20 minutes



Supplies Needed:

– 1 White Sock – 1 Fuzzy Black Sock – 1 Fuzzy Red Sock – Twine – Dollar Store Plastic Bag – 1 Bag Beans – Blush – Mop Head

Tools Needed:

– Hot Glue Gun & Glue – Scissors

Create the body of your gnome with a sock and your filling. Use a section of the sock to create your nose. Color the nose with blush.

Use a small section of the black sock and the mop head to create your gnome's beard. Unwind the mop strands to create a fluffier beard.

Work the black sock onto the body of the gnome to form its clothes. Cut part of the red sock to use for your hat. Stuff the hat with a plastic bag before glueing the back onto your gnome.

Attach your beard, tucking under the gnome's nose. Adjust the mop strands as desired. Wrap the twine around the hat and tie in place.