Easter and Earth Day Sugar Cookie Decorating

From Ruffles and Rain Boots: decorated Easter sugar cookies, ideas for Easter decorated cookies, Earth Day sugar cookies, decorated Earth Day cookies


I made these back in February because I had the icing and was planning to do a series of cookies for both the Easter holiday and Earth Day.

That didn’t happen. Life got in the way like it has a tendency to do sometimes. 

I made one cookie for Easter and another for Earth Day and forgot about them in the freezer. 

Oops! But it turns out that they were still quite tasty! 

Click on “Read More” to see the eye candy (from myself and others). 

If you’re a new follower, you might be wondering: um, what? But as I might have mentioned, I get a new hobby every year and chose decorating sugar cookies as the hobby for 2014. If you’d like to see what I’ve done so far, click on the “Sweets & Eats” tab at fro the menu at the top of the page.

From Ruffles and Rain Boots: decorated Easter sugar cookies, ideas for Easter decorated cookies, Earth Day sugar cookies, decorated Earth Day cookies

For Easter, I was going to do a series of baby animals. Using the adorable-beyond-words baby animal cookie cutters I have, I was going to dust them with sanding sugar so they’d look all fuzzy and new. 

It was going to be epic. Epic for me, at least. 

But yeah, that didn’t happen. Like I said, life kind of got in the way. 

This is the only cookie that I created for the holiday and only because I had some left over icing. Sad, right? Oh well, at least there’s one! 

And be a dear and just gloss right on over that big-ol-whollop that I did to the top of his little shell. My klutzy fingers get in the way of a cute cookie sometimes. 

From Ruffles and Rain Boots: decorated Easter sugar cookies, ideas for Easter decorated cookies, Earth Day sugar cookies, decorated Earth Day cookies


I did some searching and found some beautiful cookies to inspire me for next year.  

From Glory who bakes over at Glorious Treats: tutorials for bunnies, chicks and sheep. These are too cute and I just love the fuzzy cotton tails! And you know that I’m completely over the moon for those sanding sugar sparkle eggs.

Shared at Ruffles and Rain Boots: From Glorious Treats - Easter Cookies
Source: http://ow.ly/w6pGB

My inspiration for sprinkle-covered cookies is below. I cannot wait to do this! Although I do believe they’d be the crunchiest sugar cookies ever, and I’m not sure that would be such a good thing… 

Don’t care. I’m obsessed with these. They are getting made.

Shared at Ruffles and Rain Boots: sprinkles covered Easter cookies
Source: http://ow.ly/w6kPD 
From Ruffles and Rain Boots: decorated Easter sugar cookies, ideas for Easter decorated cookies, Earth Day sugar cookies, decorated Earth Day cookies

For Earth Day, I was going to use my really awesome new plaque cookie cutters and a veeeerrrry large circle cutter for the Earth. 

I had the drawings. I even colored the drawings and mapped out which colors I was going to need for the series. 

~insert pouty-face here~ 

Much like the Easter cookies, it just didn’t happen. We have been busy, busy, busy and with the unexpected holiday travel, quite a lot of crafting and baking didn’t get done. 

My one sad little Earth Day cookie is below. It was left over from another batch because of the uneven baking at the ends… Okay, so I might have used the very edge of the rolled dough even though it’s a no-no, especially in my case when it’s all wobbly and uneven. 

But you know what? It sure did taste good! 

From Ruffles and Rain Boots: decorated Easter sugar cookies, ideas for Easter decorated cookies, Earth Day sugar cookies, decorated Earth Day cookies

There’s always next year for my designs. I just need to find my drawings… 

Here are some inspiring pictures from professionals, a.k.a. people who are much better than I am at this stuff. 

This is such a great series put together by Niki with Bumbleberry Cakes. Crafty in Alaska, that Niki! 

Shared at Ruffles and Rain Boots: Earth Day cookies from Bumbleberry Cakes
Source: http://ow.ly/w6pcg 

The next confection creation is from the oh-so-talented, +Meaghan Mountford, from The Decorated Cookie. Talent, creativity, and decorated marshmallows – what’s not to love? 

Shared at Ruffles and Rain Boots: Earth Day Vegetable Garden cookies from The Decorated Cookie
Source:  http://ow.ly/w6q2U
Ruffles and Rain Boots, toddler crafts, toddler activities, fun crafts for kids, rainy day activities, sarcastic mom
From Ruffles And Rain Boots: The Giving Tree cookies, The Giving Tree Valentine's Day sugar cookies   From Ruffles And Rain Boots: Volkswagen bus cookies, decorated Volkswagen cookies, VW cookies

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